Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Flip flap!!

, originally uploaded by Astrid77.

Love the colors and framing of this shot.

Totally magical shot!!

Danger.... danger Wil Robinson

, originally uploaded by Astrid77.

LOVE this shot.
Such a little cutie... but you better watch out, he's DANGEROUS!! @_@

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Polka dots mice

Polka dots mice, originally uploaded by Honey Pie!.


says the mouse

The colors leave...

The colors leave..., originally uploaded by (Erik).

Colors @____@

They grow like mushrooms...

They grow like mushrooms..., originally uploaded by (Erik).

Mushrooms are so cool to photograph. Dang... it's almost that time of year where they start popping out too...

*preps camera* hehehehehee


Ready?, originally uploaded by (Erik).

Love the worm shot angle and the feeling that I get of something about to happen.
Truly a perfect title for this shot.

Angels Need Coffee, Too

Angels Need Coffee, Too, originally uploaded by Photo Cindy.

I love the grainy texture to this shot along with the sun beam centered like that.
The little girl is cuter than a bug on a rug. Dawwww... little coffee bug in training no?

Pinky, Brain and Schroeder

Pinky, Brain and Schroeder, originally uploaded by Honey Pie!.

Too cute!!

un, deux, trois!

un, deux, trois!, originally uploaded by Honey Pie!.


Old Shoes!

Old Shoes!, originally uploaded by Honey Pie!.

I need to get me some socks like this!!

Waianapanapa Sands - Maui

Adds to list...

now I need another cup of coffee

need to keep my brain workin'

I need a coffee!

I need a coffee!, originally uploaded by Prittibaby.

Was there ever a doubt?