Saturday, April 25, 2009

Syrpent Slobber 1

Syrpent Slobber 1, originally uploaded by JRaptor.

Love the the blue greens that come from aged copper!!
Such a cool dragon fountain!! SPAZZ

Makiwara boat

So neato splenderiffic!!

Fun Fair #2

Fun Fair #2, originally uploaded by Achiam.

I love the antiqued texture here.
The colors are love!!

Lantern Festival Cloud

Lantern Festival Cloud, originally uploaded by Nick^D.

@__@ vector cloud awesomeness!!

Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival, originally uploaded by weegolo.

"Dance for the Lantern Festival" 歡天喜地舞元宵 3


Refresh your feet!

Refresh your feet!, originally uploaded by SeetYing.

Love the lighting here. Such a precious shot!!

Snow Lantern Festival. Japan

Such a cool shot!! Love the warm colors and the whole idea of a snow lantern is just awesome!!


上海城隍庙, originally uploaded by *J-Square.

Great shot!!


Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival, originally uploaded by TingChang.

Lantern festivals are super cool!!

Happy Lantern Festival

Happy Lantern Festival, originally uploaded by *J-Square.

Awesome shot!!

Neputa Festival Hirosaki Aomori Japan

Love the colors!!

GoJunoto Main Gate Japan

Love the angle on this!!

Spirit - Chinese Lantern Festival

Awesome perspective and love love love the contrasting reds and blues!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pharaon, homme , dieu , roi ,Valenciennes exhibition2007


Berlin, Altes Museum - The Egyptian Collection

What an interesting tilt to the chin!!

2008_0921_211947AA The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York-

Almost expect this statue to breathe.

Course a nose would be helpful with that breathing thing!! XD

Egyptian Queen

Egyptian Queen, originally uploaded by dietrich.


feluca sail

feluca sail, originally uploaded by redrose100.


Fragment of the head of a Queen

Fragment of the head of a Queen, originally uploaded by dietrich.

Beautiful shot!!

Momma Mia

Momma Mia, originally uploaded by SkarlettFever.

Shiney!! @___@

Spiderwick Chronicles

Spiderwick Chronicles, originally uploaded by SkarlettFever.


Fagin's Gang

Fagin's Gang, originally uploaded by mix's.

Cute little stinkers!!

'A Newhaven Pilot'

Great face!!

CLOCKWORK GOOSE Vintage Watch Collage Brooch Pin

Just an awesome piece!!

Hihihi [evilfunnygangster rat]

Cute little guy!! Hehehehe!!

In My Photography, Color And Composition Are Inseparable, I See In Color.
