Monday, October 18, 2010

Lena Horne=Amazing woman

Lena Horne is an amazing performer. She captivates with a single glance, and then she begins to sing... dang it she's awesome!

LENA HORNE Sings Love Me or Leave Me and The Eagle & Me 1965

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sutherland & Pavarotti in Rigoletto I


Sutherland & Pavarotti in Rigoletto I


Get a Job

It's a Mill's Brothers kind of day! Cloudy with a chance of RAIN.
I totally need to just get up and dance in the living room in my socks to my own personal mix of the Mills Brothers. 8D

Dip dip dip dip dip dip boom boom boom boom boom
If there is any work for meeeeeeeeeeeee

THE MILLS BROTHERS DOO WOPPIN' the sox off anything the younger generation. WOOhooHOOo!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Steve Jobs hates Flash

Heh... this song speaks to me.

John Anealio: Blue Lego (Steve Jobs Hates Flash).m4v

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Warrior's Way Trailer (2010) HD

Cowboy Vs. Ninja movie of epic awesomeness! Man-o-man I cannot wait to for December 3rd!!!!
Geoffrey Rush fits the perfect part as the gritty, crusty old leader of a band of outsiders in "The American Badlands."
Kate Bosworth looks super amazing (Sidenote: totally need a coat like hers) and Jang Dong Gun is like a combination of Ninja and Aragorn awesomeness!!
I'm SO getting in line to see this flick come December! Who is WITH ME PEOPLES!???