Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Botu has too much time on hands right now

Greetings all,

I'm feeling soooooo much clearer of head and chipper of spirit these days thanks to the fact it's the turning of the seasons and my allergies don't effect me as much.

I can taste the crispness of fall in the air. The corn is drying up and I'm photographing up a storm of wildlife and naturesque pictures for my own enjoyment.

Speaking of pictures and photography, I think I'll use this blog to show off my skeels. And talk incessantly about cameras, the wonders of photoshop and the like.

Other things I'm busy doing... story board meetings at Uff Da Pro. for the Vikings projects. Can't spill too much of what it's going to be yet, but I'll try to sneak some informative tid bits here and there. ;)

I also just started fiddling around with my myspace page. I decided to get one just for the heck of it. So I can use up any free time I have by friending my favorite bands and other artists I've met or admire on the world wide internets.

If you're interested it's myspace.com/queenbotu Easy peasy eh?

Anywhoo I'll catch you dudes later,



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